Computer Club Dates

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Computer Club Date

Wednesday 11th March 2020

In the current circumstances, I felt I had to cancelled today's meeting as I have a chesty cough, and I don't want to risk passing on any infections. However, here are a few of the things I had planned to discuss today.

Coronavirus Statistics
To see the current world-wide statistics on the Covid-19 Coronavirus, go to:-
Scroll down the page to see the stats for the UK and other countries.

The Worldometer site has stats on a whole range of things, including emails sent today, newspapers circulated and mobile phones sold:-

Coronavirus Medical Advice
You can get medical advice regarding the coronavirus from the NHS 111 service. This can be accessed online by going to:-
Click Get information and advice on the banner at the top of the page.

iPad’s 10th Birthday!
We will soon be at a notable landmark in the history of computing when the iPad reaches its 10th birthday. The iPad was first released by Apple on 3rd April 2010. Although tablet computers had existed before this, it was the innovative, touch-friendly design of the iPad that launched this form-factor as a mainstream product category. Apple’s success with the iPad helped to promote other manufacturer’s tablet products based on Android or Amazon Fire, for example. However, Apple remain the dominant force in the tablet market with 75.36% of the UK market in 2019 (source:

The British designer, Jony Ive – now Sir Jonathan Ive – was behind the design of the iPad and many other Apple products. Apple have sold more than 360 million iPads since its launch in 2010 (source: and, even though it’s only 10 years, it feels like tablet computers have always been with us!

Browser Scam Protection
All the major web browsers have some phishing protection built-in and turned on by default.  This checks the web sites you visit against lists of known deceptive sites and warns you accordingly.  Of course, you can ignore these warnings or turn off this phishing protection, but that would be very risky.

For more details on this relating to Chrome, see:-

Windows 10 has a built-in phishing protection system called SmartScreen.  This provides protection when you are browsing with Edge, but also checks apps and files when you download them.  I would recommend leaving all these protections turned on, but you can check or change them by going to:-
Start, Settings, Update & Security, Windows Security, Apps & browser control.
Scam Check
There are some web sites that provide a free service which will check a web address (aka URL) to see if it is a known phishing web site.  Here are some examples:- (recommended by Which?) (Run by security company Trend Micro) (Run by OpenDNS) (Run by Google and using the same safe browsing technology used by Chrome) (Virus Total can also check files for known viruses)

AVG, the security company well-known for their anti-virus products, provides this article on “How to Check if a Website is Safe”:-

Next Session
The next scheduled meeting is:-
Wed 8th April 2020 1:30 to 3:30pm.

Obviously this will depend on any coronavirus restrictions that come into force.
In the meantime. please email me any questions and queries and I will try to respond. If any issues might be of general interest, I may post a further blog on that topic. I will post notifications on Twitter when I create an additional blog which you can follow @computerclub100.

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