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Computer Club Date

Monday 16th March 2020

In this strange coronavirus world we now find ourselves in, I decided I would just create a blog whenever there were a few interesting things to share with you. These may be based on new information I discover or on your questions and queries. This is the first such blog.

Recent Windows 10 Update Problems
Brian raised this issue. There are reports that a recent Windows Update (Cumulative Update KB4535996), can cause a number of problems including slow performance and crashing. There was an article on this in the Daily Express:-

A more technical web site, Bleeping Computer, provides this article:-

Microsoft released this update around 1st March. On 10th March they released KB4540673 which replaces the bad update and solves the problem.

To check what updates you have, go to Settings, Update and Security, Windows Update and click on View update history.

I have the more recent version, but never experienced any of the reported problems.

Windows Update with Multiple Users
This is in response to a query from Linda. The question is, what happens to Windows when there are multiple Users, and one of them performs a Windows Update? Well, there is only one version of Windows on your PC, even if it has multiple user accounts. So Windows Updates only need to be done once by one user.  In many cases, the updates will just be done automatically. After one of the big updates (i.e the so-called "feature updates" such as 1903 to 1909), when each user signs in for the first time after that, they will see a series of screens saying "Hi" and "We are just getting things ready" etc while their user account is set up again in the new version of Windows.

Remember, some Users are designated as "Standard" while others may be "Administrator". Administrator authority (by entering an Administrator password) is required to perform some activities.

Windows 10 Update 2004
And speaking of Windows Updates, the next big feature update is due soon - no exact date yet. It will be designated as version 2004 and will be applied automatically in due course. You can go to Start, Settings, Update & Security, Windows Update and click on Check for updates where you will see it as soon as it is available for your PC. You can check what version of Windows 10 you currently have by going to StartSettings, System, About and then, on the right-hand side, scroll down to the Windows specification section.

The changes in version 2004 are relatively minor and most users will not notice any difference. They include Cortana, NotePad, File Search and mouse settings. This site has a very comprehensive description of the new features in 2004:-

Bill Gates
On 13th March 2020 it was announced that Bill Gates has left the Microsoft Board. Probably one of the best known names in the technology industry, Bill Gates founded Microsoft in April 1975 together with Paul Allen.  Gates ran Microsoft as CEO  from 1975 to 2000. Although he continued to work for Microsoft, in 2000 he and his wife founded the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation which has spent billions of dollars around the world to improve health, lift people out of poverty and improve the education of children. To learn more about the Foundation, go to:-

Scammers Take Advantage of Coronavirus
Sadly, there are crooks and scammers who see the Covid-19 out-break as an opportunity to take advantage of others. This BBC article reports on several email scams based on the coronavirus:-

Questions and Comments
If you have any questions or comments, I would be happy to hear from you by email. If you don't already have my email address, use the one shown in the right-hand column under Feedback.

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